Fit with Dirichlet parametrisation

In this example we show how to bring the PDF parametrisation and forward model together with BAT.jl to perform a fit of simulated data.

using BAT, DensityInterface
using PartonDensity
using QCDNUM
using Plots, Random, Distributions, ValueShapes, ParallelProcessingTools
using StatsBase, LinearAlgebra
zeus_include_path = string(chop(pathof(PartonDensity), tail=20), "data/ZEUS_I1787035/ZEUS_I1787035.jl")
MD_ZEUS_I1787035 = include(zeus_include_path)
rng = MersenneTwister(42)

Simulate some data

We can start off by simulating some fake data for us to fit. This way, we know exactly what initial conditions we have specified and can check the validity of our inference, assuming the generative model is the one that is producing our data.

This is a good first check to work with.

Specify the input PDFs

See the Input PDF parametrisation and priors example for more information on the definition of the input PDFs. Here, we use the Dirichlet parametrisation.

weights = [30.0, 15.0, 12.0, 6.0, 3.6, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85]
θ = rand(rng, Dirichlet(weights))
pdf_params = DirichletPDFParams(K_u=4.0, K_d=4.0, λ_g1=1.5, λ_g2=-0.4, K_g=6.0,
    λ_q=-0.25, K_q=5.0, θ=θ);

@info "Valence λ:" pdf_params.λ_u pdf_params.λ_d


Go from PDFs to counts in ZEUS detector bins

Given the input PDFs, we can then evolve, calculate the cross sections, and fold through the ZEUS transfer matrix to get counts in bins. Here, we make use of some simple helper functions to do so. For more details, see the Forward model example.

first specify QCDNUM inputs

qcdnum_grid = QCDNUM.GridParams(x_min=[1.0e-3, 1.0e-1, 5.0e-1], x_weights=[1, 2, 2], nx=100,
    qq_bounds=[1.0e2, 3.0e4], qq_weights=[1.0, 1.0], nq=50, spline_interp=3)
qcdnum_params = QCDNUM.EvolutionParams(order=2, α_S=0.118, q0=100.0, grid_params=qcdnum_grid,
    n_fixed_flav=5, iqc=1, iqb=1, iqt=1, weight_type=1);

now SPLINT and quark coefficients

splint_params = QCDNUM.SPLINTParams();
quark_coeffs = QuarkCoefficients();

initialise QCDNUM

forward_model_init(qcdnum_params, splint_params)
  |                                                                     |
  |    If you use QCDNUM, please refer to:                              |
  |                                                                     |
  |    M. Botje, Comput. Phys. Commun. 182(2011)490, arXiV:1005.1481    |
  |                                                                     |

 FILLWT: start unpolarised weight calculations
 Subgrids    3 Subgrid points   15   50   75
 Pij LO
 Pij NLO
 Aij LO
 Aij NLO
 FILLWT: weight calculations completed

 ZMFILLW: start weight calculations   4  38   0   0
 ZMFILLW: calculations completed

  | You are using SPLINT version 20220308 |

run forward model

counts_pred_ep, counts_pred_em = forward_model(pdf_params, qcdnum_params, splint_params, quark_coeffs, MD_ZEUS_I1787035);

take a poisson sample

nbins = size(counts_pred_ep)[1]
counts_obs_ep = zeros(UInt64, nbins)
counts_obs_em = zeros(UInt64, nbins)

for i in 1:nbins
    counts_obs_ep[i] = rand(Poisson(counts_pred_ep[i]))
    counts_obs_em[i] = rand(Poisson(counts_pred_em[i]))
plot(1:nbins, counts_pred_ep, label="Expected counts (eP)", color="blue")
plot!(1:nbins, counts_pred_em, label="Expected counts (eM)", color="red")
scatter!(1:nbins, counts_obs_ep, label="Detected counts (eP)", color="blue")
scatter!(1:nbins, counts_obs_em, label="Detected counts (eM)", color="red")
plot!(xlabel="Bin number")


sim_data = Dict{String,Any}()
sim_data["nbins"] = nbins;
sim_data["counts_obs_ep"] = counts_obs_ep;
sim_data["counts_obs_em"] = counts_obs_em;

write to file

pd_write_sim("output/simulation_dirichlet.h5", pdf_params, sim_data, MD_ZEUS_I1787035)
QCDNUM.save_params("output/params_dir.h5", qcdnum_params)
QCDNUM.save_params("output/params_dir.h5", splint_params)

Fit the simulated data

Now we can try to fit this simulated data using Bat.jl. The first step is to define the prior and likelihood. For now, let's try relatively narrow priors centred on the true values.

prior = NamedTupleDist(
    K_u=Uniform(3.0, 7.0),
    K_d=Uniform(3.0, 7.0),
    λ_g1=Uniform(1.0, 2.0),
    λ_g2=Uniform(-0.5, -0.1),
    K_g=Uniform(3.0, 7.0),
    λ_q=Uniform(-0.5, -0.1),
    K_q=Uniform(3.0, 7.0),

The likelihood is similar to that used in the input PDF parametrisation example. We start by accessing the current parameter set of the sampler's iteration, then running the forward model to get the predicted counts and comparing to the observed counts using a simple Poisson likelihood.

likelihood = let d = sim_data

    counts_obs_ep = d["counts_obs_ep"]
    counts_obs_em = d["counts_obs_em"]
    nbins = d["nbins"]

    logfuncdensity(function (params)

        pdf_params = DirichletPDFParams(K_u=params.K_u, K_d=params.K_d, λ_g1=params.λ_g1, λ_g2=params.λ_g2,
            K_g=params.K_g, λ_q=params.λ_q, K_q=params.K_q, θ=Vector(params.θ))

        counts_pred_ep, counts_pred_em = @critical forward_model(pdf_params, qcdnum_params, splint_params, quark_coeffs, MD_ZEUS_I1787035)

        ll_value = 0.0
        for i in 1:nbins

            if counts_pred_ep[i] < 0
                @debug "counts_pred_ep[i] < 0, setting to 0" i counts_pred_ep[i]
                counts_pred_ep[i] = 0
            if counts_pred_em[i] < 0
                @debug "counts_pred_em[i] < 0, setting to 0" i counts_pred_em[i]
                counts_pred_em[i] = 0

            ll_value += logpdf(Poisson(counts_pred_ep[i]), counts_obs_ep[i])
            ll_value += logpdf(Poisson(counts_pred_em[i]), counts_obs_em[i])

        return ll_value
LogFuncDensity(Main.var"#2#3"{Int64, Vector{UInt64}, Vector{UInt64}}(153, UInt64[0x00000000000001d0, 0x00000000000001b7, 0x0000000000000184, 0x00000000000001a0, 0x0000000000000143, 0x000000000000015f, 0x000000000000014b, 0x000000000000044b, 0x00000000000001cf, 0x00000000000001ec  …  0x0000000000000042, 0x0000000000000039, 0x000000000000001d, 0x0000000000000019, 0x000000000000000b, 0x0000000000000007, 0x000000000000000b, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000000f4, 0x0000000000000012], UInt64[0x0000000000000171, 0x0000000000000161, 0x0000000000000141, 0x0000000000000147, 0x00000000000000e6, 0x00000000000000fd, 0x00000000000000ff, 0x0000000000000324, 0x000000000000014a, 0x000000000000016f  …  0x000000000000001f, 0x000000000000001e, 0x000000000000001f, 0x000000000000001a, 0x0000000000000008, 0x0000000000000004, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000062, 0x000000000000000b]))

We can now run the MCMC sampler. We will start by using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm as implemented in BAT.jl. To get reasonable results, we need to run the sampler for a longer time (~10s of min). To save time in this demo, we will work with a ready-made results file. To actually run the sampler, simply uncomment the code below.

#posterior = PosteriorDensity(likelihood, prior);
#mcalg = MetropolisHastings(proposal=BAT.MvTDistProposal(10.0))
#convergence = BrooksGelmanConvergence(threshold=1.3)
#samples = bat_sample(posterior, MCMCSampling(mcalg=mcalg, nsteps=10^4, nchains=2, strict=false)).result;

Alternatively, we could also try a nested sampling approach here for comparison. This is easily done thanks to the interface of BAT.jl, you will just need to add the NestedSamplers.jl package.

#import NestedSamplers
#samples = bat_sample(posterior, EllipsoidalNestedSampling()).result

If you run the sampler, be sure to save the results for further analysis

#import HDF5
#bat_write("output/results.h5", samples)

Analysing the results

First, let's load our simulation inputs and results

pdf_params, sim_data = pd_read_sim("output/demo_simulation_dirichlet.h5", MD_ZEUS_I1787035);
samples = bat_read("output/demo_results_dirichlet.h5").result;
[ Info: Setting new default BAT context BATContext{Float64}(Random123.Philox4x{UInt64, 10}(0x963556e5e8a2a623, 0x9d1d6cbeb77e6535, 0x4d5a26e6fc39955d, 0xa911e50a585329c1, 0x06fdcc2e474edccd, 0x1a8ed85b0f9bd198, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0), HeterogeneousComputing.CPUnit(), BAT._NoADSelected())
[ Info: Using input algorithm BAT.BATHDF5IO()

We can use the same QCDNUM params as above

loaded_params = QCDNUM.load_params("output/params_dir.h5")
qcdnum_params = loaded_params["evolution_params"]
splint_params = loaded_params["splint_params"]
  label: String "splint_params"
  nuser: Int64 10
  nsteps_x: Int64 5
  nsteps_q: Int64 10
  nnodes_x: Int64 100
  nnodes_q: Int64 100
  rs: Float64 318.0
  rscut: Float64 370.0
  spline_addresses: QCDNUM.SplineAddresses

We can check some diagnostics using built in BAT.jl, such as the effective sample size shown below

16-element Vector{Float64}:

We see a value for each of our 15 total parameters. As the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm's default implementation isn't very efficient, we see that the effective sample size is only a small percentage of the input nsteps. We should try to improve this if possible, or use a much larger nsteps value.

For demonstration purposes, we will continue to show how we can visualise the results in this case. For robust inference, we need to improve the sampling stage above.

We can use BAT.jl's built in plotting recipes to show the marginals, for example, consider λ_u, and compare to the known truth.

    samples, :(K_u),
    colors=[:skyblue4, :skyblue3, :skyblue1],
vline!([pdf_params.K_u], color="black", label="truth", lw=3)

If we want to compare the momentum weights, we no longer need to transform (compared to the valence parametrisation case) and can simply use the BAT.jl recipes as before.

    samples, (:(θ[1]), :(θ[2])),
    colors=[:skyblue4, :skyblue3, :skyblue1],

vline!([pdf_params.θ[1]], color="black", label="true θ[1]", lw=3)
hline!([pdf_params.θ[2]], color="black", label="true θ[2]", lw=3)

Rather than making a large plot 15 different marginals, it can be more useful to visualise the posterior distribution in differently, such as the shape of the distributions we are trying to fit, or the model space. Helper functions exist for doing just this.

Using BAT recipe

function wrap_xtotx(p::NamedTuple, x::Real)
    pdf_params = DirichletPDFParams(K_u=p.K_u, K_d=p.K_d, λ_g1=p.λ_g1,
        λ_g2=p.λ_g2, K_g=p.K_g, λ_q=p.λ_q, K_q=p.K_q, θ=Vector(p.θ))
    return log(xtotx(x, pdf_params))

x_grid = range(1e-3, stop=1, length=50)
plot(x_grid, wrap_xtotx, samples, colors=[:skyblue4, :skyblue3, :skyblue1],
plot!(x_grid, [log(xtotx(x, pdf_params)) for x in x_grid], color="black", lw=3,
    label="Truth", linestyle=:dash)

Using PartonDensity.jl

plot_model_space(pdf_params, samples, nsamples=200)

Alternatively, we can also visualise the implications of the fit in the data space, as shown below.

plot_data_space(pdf_params, sim_data, samples, qcdnum_params,
    splint_params, quark_coeffs, MD_ZEUS_I1787035, nsamples=200)

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