Input PDF parametrisation and priors

An important part of PDF fitting is defining a useful parametrisation for the PDF shapes, as well as meaningful prior distributions that encode our knowledge of the problem.

In this notebook, and in the PartonDensity package, we explore two different approaches:

  • Full Dirichlet
  • Valence shape + Dirichlet

We plan to explore the implementation of more parameterisations in the future, and our package is set up in a modular way to handle this.

using Distributions, Plots, SpecialFunctions, Printf
const sf = SpecialFunctions;

"Full Dirichlet" approach

A clean way to ensure the momentum sum rule is to sample different contributions of the momentrum density integral from a Dirichlet distribution, then use these weights to set the parameters on the individual Beta distributions.

9 components of decreasing importance

dirichlet = Dirichlet([3.0, 2.0, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
data = rand(dirichlet, 1000);

Have a look

for i in 1:9
    histogram!(data[i, :], bins=range(0, stop=1, length=20), alpha=0.7)
plot!(xlabel="I_i = A_i B_i")

This is great as the sum rule is automatically conserved

sum(data, dims=1)
1×1000 Matrix{Float64}:
 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  …  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0

But, it is still non-trivial to choose the Dirichlet weights for a sensible prior, and connect to the physics of the problem. We recommend simulating from the prior and visualising the results as a useful workflow in this case (see e.g. prior predictive checks).

I = rand(dirichlet)
9-element Vector{Float64}:

As we are more interested in K_u and K_d than λ_u and λ_d for our high-x data, we can set the λs according to the Ks.

K_u = rand(Uniform(2, 10))

Integral of number density must = 2, and integral of momentum density must = I[1]. This implies the following:

λ_u = (I[1] * (K_u + 1)) / (2 - I[1])

Let's check this

A_u = 2 / sf.beta(λ_u, K_u + 1)

I[1] ≈ A_u * sf.beta(λ_u + 1, K_u + 1)

While this approach also has its advantages, it is hard to set priors on the shape of the valence distributions, as the λ_u and λ_d are now derived parameters, dependent on the specified Dirichlet weights and K_u/K_d values. However, sensible prior choices can be made using e.g. prior predictive checks, as already mentioned above.

"Valence shape + Dirichlet" approach

An alternative approach is to specify constraints on the valence params through the shape of their Beta distributions, then using a Dirichlet to specify the weights of the gluon and sea components. The problem here is it isn't clear how to specify that the d contribution must be less than the u contribution. However, it is possible to do this indirectly through priors on the shape parameters. Doing so would require some further investigation.

x = range(0, stop=1, length=50)

High-level priors

λ_u = 0.7
K_u = 4
λ_d = 0.5
K_d = 6

u_V = Beta(λ_u, K_u + 1)
A_u = 2 / sf.beta(λ_u, K_u + 1)

d_V = Beta(λ_d, K_d + 1)
A_d = 1 / sf.beta(λ_d, K_d + 1)

Integral contributions

I_u = A_u * sf.beta(λ_u + 1, K_u + 1)
I_d = A_d * sf.beta(λ_d + 1, K_d + 1)

plot(x, x .* A_u .* x .^ λ_u .* (1 .- x) .^ K_u * 2, alpha=0.7, label="x u(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, x .* A_d .* x .^ λ_d .* (1 .- x) .^ K_d, alpha=0.7, label="x d(x)", lw=3)
plot!(xlabel="x", legend=:topright)
@printf("I_u = %.2f\n", I_u)
@printf("I_d = %.2f\n", I_d)
I_u = 0.25
I_d = 0.07

The remaining 7 integrals can be dirichlet-sampled with decreasing importance

remaining = 1 - (I_u + I_d)
dirichlet = Dirichlet([3.0, 2.0, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1])
I = rand(dirichlet) * remaining;
sum(I) ≈ remaining

Gluon contributions

λ_g1 = rand(Uniform(-1, 0))
λ_g2 = rand(Uniform(0, 1))
K_g = rand(Uniform(2, 10))
K_q = rand(Uniform(3, 7))
A_g2 = I[1] / sf.beta(λ_g2 + 1, K_g + 1)
A_g1 = I[2] / sf.beta(λ_g1 + 1, K_q + 1);

Sea quark contributions

λ_q = rand(Uniform(-1, 0))
A_ubar = I[3] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1))
A_dbar = I[4] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1))
A_s = I[5] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1))
A_c = I[6] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1))
A_b = I[7] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1));

total = A_u * sf.beta(λ_u + 1, K_u + 1) + A_d * sf.beta(λ_d + 1, K_d + 1)
total += A_g1 * sf.beta(λ_g1 + 1, K_q + 1) + A_g2 * sf.beta(λ_g2 + 1, K_g + 1)
total += 2 * (A_ubar + A_dbar + A_s + A_c + A_b) * sf.beta(λ_q + 1, K_q + 1)
total ≈ 1
x = 10 .^ range(-2, stop=0, length=500)
500-element Vector{Float64}:

How does it look?

xg2 = A_g2 * x .^ λ_g2 .* (1 .- x) .^ K_g
xg1 = A_g1 * x .^ λ_g1 .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q
plot(x, x .* A_u .* x .^ λ_u .* (1 .- x) .^ K_u * 2, alpha=0.7, label="x u(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, x .* A_d .* x .^ λ_d .* (1 .- x) .^ K_d, alpha=0.7, label="x d(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, xg1 + xg2, alpha=0.7, label="x g(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, A_ubar * x .^ λ_q .* (1.0 .- x) .^ K_q, alpha=0.7, label="x ubar(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, A_dbar * x .^ λ_q .* (1.0 .- x) .^ K_q, alpha=0.7, label="x dbar(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, A_s * x .^ λ_q .* (1.0 .- x) .^ K_q, alpha=0.7, label="x s(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, A_c * x .^ λ_q .* (1.0 .- x) .^ K_q, alpha=0.7, label="x c(x)", lw=3)
plot!(x, A_b * x .^ λ_q .* (1.0 .- x) .^ K_q, alpha=0.7, label="x b(x)", lw=3)
plot!(xlabel="x", legend=:bottomleft, xscale=:log, ylims=(1e-8, 10), yscale=:log)

Prior predictive checks

We can start to visualise the type of PDFs that are allowed by the combination of the choice of parametrisation and prior distributions with some simple prior predictive checks, as done below for the valence style parametrisation...

N = 100
alpha = 0.03
total = Array{Float64,1}(undef, N)
first = true
leg = 0

for i in 1:N

    λ_u_i = rand(Uniform(0, 1))
    K_u_i = rand(Uniform(2, 10))
    λ_d_i = rand(Uniform(0, 1))
    K_d_i = rand(Uniform(2, 10))
    A_u_i = 2 / sf.beta(λ_u_i, K_u_i + 1)
    A_d_i = 1 / sf.beta(λ_d_i, K_d_i + 1)
    I_u_i = A_u * sf.beta(λ_u_i + 1, K_u_i + 1)
    I_d_i = A_d * sf.beta(λ_d_i + 1, K_d_i + 1)
    u_V_i = Beta(λ_u_i, K_u_i + 1)
    d_V_i = Beta(λ_d_i, K_d_i + 1)

    remaining_i = 1 - (I_u_i + I_d_i)
    dirichlet_i = Dirichlet([3.0, 2.0, 1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1])
    I_i = rand(dirichlet_i) * remaining_i

    λ_g1_i = rand(Uniform(-1, 0))
    λ_g2_i = rand(Uniform(0, 1))
    K_g_i = rand(Uniform(2, 10))
    A_g2_i = I_i[1] / sf.beta(λ_g2_i + 1, K_g_i + 1)
    A_g1_i = I_i[2] / sf.beta(λ_g1_i + 1, 5 + 1)

    λ_q_i = rand(Uniform(-1, 0))
    K_q_i = rand(Uniform(3, 7))
    A_ubar_i = I_i[3] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1))
    A_dbar_i = I_i[4] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1))
    A_s_i = I_i[5] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1))
    A_c_i = I_i[6] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1))
    A_b_i = I_i[7] / (2 * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1))

    total[i] = A_u_i * sf.beta(λ_u_i + 1, K_u_i + 1) + A_d_i * sf.beta(λ_d_i + 1, K_d_i + 1)
    total[i] += A_g1_i * sf.beta(λ_g1_i + 1, K_q_i + 1) + A_g2_i * sf.beta(λ_g2_i + 1, K_g_i + 1)
    total[i] += 2 * (A_ubar_i + A_dbar_i + A_s_i + A_c_i + A_b_i) * sf.beta(λ_q_i + 1, K_q_i + 1)

    xg2_i = A_g2_i * x .^ λ_g2_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_g_i
    xg1_i = A_g1_i * x .^ λ_g1_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i
    plot!(x, [x .* A_u_i .* x .^ λ_u_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_u_i * 2], alpha=alpha, color="blue", lw=3)
    plot!(x, x .* A_d_i .* x .^ λ_d_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_d_i, alpha=alpha, color="orange", lw=3)
    plot!(x, xg1_i + xg2_i, alpha=alpha, color="green", lw=3)
    plot!(x, A_ubar_i * x .^ λ_q_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i, alpha=alpha, color="red", lw=3)
    plot!(x, A_dbar_i * x .^ λ_q_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i, alpha=alpha, color="purple", lw=3)
    plot!(x, A_s_i * x .^ λ_q_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i, alpha=alpha, color="brown", lw=3)
    plot!(x, A_c_i * x .^ λ_q_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i, alpha=alpha, color="pink", lw=3)
    plot!(x, A_b_i * x .^ λ_q_i .* (1 .- x) .^ K_q_i, alpha=alpha, color="grey", lw=3)

plot!(xlabel="x", ylabel="x f(x)", xscale=:log, legend=false,
    ylims=(1e-8, 10), yscale=:log)

PDF Parametrisation interface

PartonDensity provides a handy interface to both the parametrisations through the DirichletPDFParams and ValencePDFParams options.

using PartonDensity

Let's try the Dirichlet specification...

weights_dir = [3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5]
θ_dir = rand(Dirichlet(weights_dir))

pdf_params = DirichletPDFParams(K_u=4.0, K_d=6.0, λ_g1=0.7, λ_g2=-0.4,
    K_g=6.0, λ_q=-0.5, K_q=5.0, θ=θ_dir);

int_xtotx(pdf_params) ≈ 1

And now the valence specification...

weights_val = [5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5]
λ_u = 0.7
K_u = 4.0
λ_d = 0.5
K_d = 6.0
θ_val = get_θ_val(λ_u, K_u, λ_d, K_d, weights_val)
pdf_params = ValencePDFParams(λ_u=λ_u, K_u=K_u, λ_d=λ_d, K_d=K_d, λ_g1=0.7, λ_g2=-0.4,
    K_g=6.0, λ_q=-0.5, K_q=5.0, θ=θ_val);

int_xtotx(pdf_params) ≈ 1

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